Police Cruiser In Ditch with no answers?
(Longview, Tx) Nearly two weeks ago a Longview Police cruiser was spotted in a ditch at the Dollar General in Longview TX. Longview Police Department has not commented on this accident leaving spectators and the general public to spectate on what has happened. Was the officer after a suspect and did not put the cruiser in park? Has the officer been driving under the influence? Many scenarios play out in our head as we have not yet had a confirmation.
Why No Comment?
With Longview Police Department not making a comment on this incident makes the public believe there was a reason behind it. Could it be general negligence? Or just plain out embarrassment?
Angry Police Officer
While many things are still uncertain about this incident one thing remains true. The officer involved in this incident was not happy with bystanders taking pictures and videos of her cruiser in the ditch. There are even pictures and videos popping up of the police officer yelling at people recording her telling them to put away their phones.
We continue to wait to see when and if Longview Police Department decide to make a comment on this incident. With over two weeks passing we believe that there will be no comment made. If you have any pictures or videos of this incident, please send them to this email: support@trendingtoast.com